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初步研究了反导作战指控系统对于TBM毁伤效果评估的过程和依据。以动能杀伤器(KKV)为研究对象,首先分析了KKV脱靶量和杀伤模型,在此基础上,对反导指控系统对TBM的毁伤准则和毁伤效果评估进行了研究并给出了一般TBM毁伤判断流程,最后举例以KKV导引头作用距离和噪声对脱靶量的影响分析研究了达到直接碰撞杀伤的条件。  相似文献   
舰机协同防空体系网络化效应分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对舰机海上协同防空作战体系网络化效应难以度量的问题,提出舰机协同组网概念,建立舰机协同组网网络环模型。将舰机协同防空区域进行划分,通过核心子网络在不同防空区域的转移以及邻接矩阵Perron-Frobenius特征值(PFE)的计算,分析了舰机协同防空体系的网络化效应。该分析方法简单,将其应用在舰机协同防空体系网络化效应分析是有效的。  相似文献   
为实现对雷达的有效干扰,应选择最佳干扰方式。将干扰效能分为干扰效果和干扰效率2个方面,并对这2方面进行了定量描述,提出了新的干扰效能评估算法,建立了雷达对抗策略矩阵,在此基础上运用对策论的相关原理,研究了干扰方式的选择问题,最后结合实例进行了检验。结果表明,该方法可以有效得出最佳干扰方式。  相似文献   
在Biot波动理论及饱和多孔热弹性波动理论基础上,引入三个松弛因子,建立了广义饱和多孔热弹性波动理论。通过对SV波在界面上的反射问题进行分析,得到了p1、p2、T及S波反射系数表达式,并利用算例对比分析了基于广义饱和多孔热弹性波动理论(G-TE)与L-S、G-L热弹性波动理论的SV波界面上反射系数的差异,讨论了松弛因子对反射系数的影响。结果表明:G-TE理论、L-S理论、G-L理论模型对p1、p2、S波反射幅值计算结果有较大的影响,且影响规律各不相同。松弛因子对p2波的影响较大,对p1波和S波的影响较小。  相似文献   
将形成性评估恰当地运用到大学英语课堂,能显著改善教学效果,有效弥补当前武警“合训”院校大学英语教学与测试的一些不足。从分析大学英语教学中的形成性评估的重要性着手,指出形成性评估中存在的问题及原因,并提出了一些设想和方案。  相似文献   
听、说、读、写是语言学习者必备的技能,而位居首位的听力,往往成为许多学生的绊脚石。仅仅靠有限的《英语听力》课堂时间,无法从根本上提高学生的听力水平。根据建构主义理论,听力的提高很大程度上要靠学生课后自主学习。而学生《英语听力》课程自主学习能力和效果的提高,取决于教师的课堂指导、书面作业及口头作业的选择。  相似文献   
Impressive investment and growth figures and commercial write-ups enthusing about ‘Africa rising up’, ‘the continent of the future’, and so on, obscure the poverty, illiteracy, poor health and other hardships afflicting the vast majority of African people. Why has massive so-called development and technical ‘aid’ not created the expected dynamic, autonomous economic progress? A blind eye is delicately being turned to the decisive role of people – more specifically, the cultural element. Notwithstanding good intentions, outsiders seeking to promote development assume that black Africans think and act like they only need more education, training and finance in order to ‘catch up’. Outsiders easily forget that since time immemorial, Africans have developed and cherished worldviews and cultures of their own. While these are by no means immutable and do adapt to changing needs and outside influences, Africans refuse to cast off overnight the heritage that makes them the people they are. This paper examines the impact of witchcraft as an integral feature of traditional culture on African existence, notably community life, religion, politics, the law, and economic practice. It stresses the significance of traditional society's powerful egalitarian impulses as well as its profound conviction that all things – goods, wealth, well-being and life force – are in a strictly limited supply that cannot be increased, but can only be redistributed by force or through magical manipulation. While modern life gradually weakens the influence of witchcraft beliefs – in Europe these flourished well into the 18th century – the exasperation associated with Africa's headlong urbanisation actually bolsters these beliefs.  相似文献   
为了客观定量评价数码仿造迷彩的伪装效果,根据人眼视觉特性,提出基于HSV颜色空间亮度差的权重因子对SSIM算法加权进行了改进,得到了从人眼视觉特性上客观定量评价数码迷彩图案与原图像的识别概率。识别概率的大小与目标实施伪装技术的优劣有关,识别概率越高,则目标越易被侦察器材识别,伪装效果越差,反之不易被识别,伪装效果越好。因此该算法可为进一步改进伪装技术措施提供依据。  相似文献   

In 2011 a wave of revolutionary movements, the so-called Arab Spring, spread in the Middle East and North Africa. Libya was one of the most affected countries, ending Gaddafi’s dictatorship after an international intervention and a civil war. This paper assesses the effects that this revolution had on Libyan economy. The analysis is made by means of the synthetic control method. Our estimates for the 2011–2014 period show (i) a cumulative loss in the growth rate of per capita real GDP of 64.15%; (ii) a cumulative loss in per capita real GDP of 56,548 dollars; and (iii) a cumulative loss in the aggregate real GDP of 350.5 billion dollars.  相似文献   
为了提高雷达精度,舰船雷达一般都进行电波折射误差修正.由于无法精确测量大气剖面,故舰船雷达的电波折射修正精度较低.文中提出了一种基于微波辐射计大气遥感的电波折射实时修正新方法,它不仅具有全天候、实时性、机动性等特点,而且可以直接测量出电波传播路径上的大气附加时延积分,从而直接给出距离误差修正量.经与常用的2种电波折射修正方法比较,证明它的精度较高.  相似文献   
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